
You can commence investing in the Balmain Opportunity Trust (BOT) by completing the Application Form found in the Information Memorandum (IM) or by clicking APPLY in the above menu bar. Once your application has been accepted, you can transfer your investment (minimum $250,000) to BOT via EFT, Bpay or cheque. You will start earning interest in your investment as soon as the funds have cleared.

About the trust

The Balmain Opportunity Trust is a wholesale investment trust and is not a managed investment scheme (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)).  The operations of BOT are governed by an Information Memorandum.

Only wholesale / sophisticated investors are permitted to subscribe to units in BOT.

The Trustee intends to manage the Trust as follows:

  • to continue to grow funds under management (FUM);
  • to invest the Trust’s assets in accordance with the Information Memorandum; and,
  • to manage the Trust’s obligations to Unitholders including, without limitation, complying with the terms of the Information memorandum.

The Trust will remain an Australian domiciled and Australian dollar denominated unit trust although Trust investments may be made in Australia and New Zealand.

About the fees

  • Management Fee: The Trustee will receive an ongoing management fee. The fees are presented in each respective IM.
  • Administration Costs: The Trust will meet all costs and expenses incurred by the Trustee in respect of the Trust.
  • Performance Fee: The Trustee may receive a Performance Fee. The fees are presented in each respective IM.

Only Wholesale Clients may invest

This website is not a product disclosure statement. Only wholesale clients (see section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) may invest in the Balmain Opportunity Trust including any of the unit classes.